Bus From Easton, PA To New York, NY

View bus schedules from Easton, PA to New York, NY
Schedule FAB 10
5:45 PM
ESTN | Easton
123 S. 3Rd St.
Easton, PA 18042
Schedule FAB 10
7:45 PM
PABT | New York
New York (P.A.B.T.)
41St & 8Th Ave
New York, NY 10018
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Schedule FAB 10

123 S. 3Rd St.
New York (P.A.B.T.)
41St & 8Th Ave

2h 0m (0 transfers)


ESTN | Easton
123 S. 3Rd St.
Easton, PA 18042
Depart: 5:45 PM
FAB 10
Fullington Trailways
Newark (Amtrak - Fullington), NJ
Arrive: 7:15 PM Depart: 7:15 PM
PABT | New York
41St & 8Th Ave
New York, NY 10018
Arrive: 7:45 PM

Itinerary - Please note that all times displayed are in local time.